Fiber Processing

We find complicated pricing systems for fiber processing to be frustrating.  Our answer - a single flat rate processing charge.

The processing of fiber at Shenandoah Fiber Mill is an art.  We tenderly clean your raw fiber and prepare it for processing.  Our mill equipment is made to handle the fiber with care and to create roving, yarn and felt of the highest quality.  Once received, your fiber is weighed, cataloged, and placed in the queue for processing. 

Unfortunately, the costs for our supplies (special scouring soap, blending fibers, etc.) have increased dramatically. As a result, we've had to increase our prices in order to cover these increases. 

For Yarn, we require fiber that is at least 2-1/2 to 3 inches long.  Prices are based on incoming weight of fiber:

        The price includes all steps of the process:

       Final skein washing, strongly recommended to remove sprays we use to remove static electricity, is available at an additional charge of $2.00 per skein.         

Cone winding is charged at $3.00 per cone.

Fiber that is heavily contaminated with hay, weeds, seeds, and/or poop will be charged additional fees for skirting and special processing required.

Spin-ready Roving is charged at $32 per pound of finished roving. 

Dryer Ball Roving is charged at $24 per pound of finished roving.

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